Very happy to have recorded Will Eaves’s piano pieces that feature in his forthcoming memoir, The Point of Distraction, published by Harper Collins / TLS. They’re wonderful pieces, full of colour, subtlety and character. Some are humorous, others intimate and expressive.
The book will link to these recordings, and they will also form part of the audiobook.

Update June 2024: we will launch the book and piano pieces in an event at Wigmore Hall on 14th September. Further details and tickets here.
From the Harper Collins website:
“A memoir by the 2019 Wellcome Prize winner Will Eaves that looks at the creation of eight piano pieces.
What lies behind the creation of a piece of music? Does it spring fully formed from a composer’s mind, or take shape in the recesses of the brain, revealing itself in stages over time? Is the creative act deliberate or happenstance? An inspired vision or the result of practice?
Will Eaves, author and musician, shares his experience of writing eight new piano pieces after many years away from the keyboard. Some of the music is found in old notebooks and teenage enthusiasms, some of it is caught on the wing – a response to the resurgence of the natural world during COVID lockdown. None of it is what he is meant to be doing.
But then not all artistic interests are primary or professional interests. Sometimes it’s the second-string activities, the diversions, that bring work – and life – into focus.
The Point of Distraction is a unique account of music-making that embraces Bach, film, jazz, literature, neuroscience and the mystery of will power in its search for meaning. At its heart is a love of skill, an openness to self-doubt, and a belief that we are all more than our declared aims.”