21 Feb : Trio on BBC Radio 3

8 March : Scunthorpe & North Lincs Concert Society

14 March : St George’s Bristol

17 March : Wigmore Hall

8 April : Milton Court Concert Hall recording

14-21 April : Trio tour in Sweden

26 April : Cantabile (recording with Jordan Bak) release : Delphian Records

6 May : Leamington Music Festival

13-17 May : Associate Examiner Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama

22 May : Victorian Hall, Dorset

24 May : Alnwick Playhouse

27 May : English Music Festival

29 May : Saffron Hall recording

6 June : In Tune, BBC Radio 3

25 June : Bradfield Festival of Music

26-27 June : Beaminster Festival

1 July : Milton Court recording

20 July : Great Comp Festival

14 Sept : Wigmore Hall

Future dates


Will Eaves ‘The Point of Distraction’ recordings

’Cantabile’ with Jordan Bak released

New piece for horn & piano

Recording with Johannes Moser

Lammermuir Festival Piano Duo with Clare Hammond reviews

HEA Fellowship

Transatlantic released on Orchid Classics 

Royal College of Music teaching post

Naomi Pinnock disc on Wergo

Stravinsky/Milhaud/Satie review

Saffron Hall Radio 3 broadcasts

Lulu Fantasy score video


Schumann Concerto with James Hendry

Gershwin Concerto @ QEH

Vancouver recital film

Vancouver recital reviews

Erika Fox recording for NMC

All posts

‘…seizing the music with amazing decisiveness… I would never have imagined a mere piano could have captured that world, but Richard Uttley’s tumultuous performance soon persuaded me.’

Ivan Hewett : The Daily Telegraph

‘Some of the day’s most arresting moments came in a recital by Richard Uttley. I was enthralled by his composure, lyricism and ability to hold a moment without forcing it.’

Kate Molleson : The Guardian

‘… Richard Uttley’s rapt performance …’

Andrew Clements : The Guardian

‘Two of the most inspired concerts came from young British pianist Richard Uttley’

Kate Makin : Vancouver Classical Music

‘… evangelical enthusiasm … assiduous clarity … lyrical poise … a brilliant recital.’

Neil Fisher : The Times

‘…excellently devised and executed…’

Paul Driver : The Sunday Times

‘I wouldn’t use this term of many pianists but, both from a purely aural perspective as well as watching him perform, Uttley comes across like a ballet dancer. His movements are graceful, lyrical, acrobatic; keys are sprung from, landed upon, tickled, urged, encouraged, coaxed—but rarely, it seems to me, merely struck.’

Simon Cummings : 5:4

‘… musical intelligence and pristine facility interlock seamlessly … compendious capacity for touch control … extremely refined, well considered and emotionally selfless … a pianist with something to say.’
Mark Tanner : International Record Review

‘breathtaking sensitivity’
Paul Kilbey : Bachtrack

‘… contemporary piano music has some fine young interpreters right now; Richard Uttley’s is a name to add to the distinguished litany.’
Paul Riley : BBC Music Magazine

‘intense and sensitive performance … a gifted and thoughtful Mozartean’

Louise Schweitzer : The Argus

‘Richard Uttley’s performance was as assured as the piano writing itself.’

Mark Berry : Seen and Heard International : Oliver Knussen Total Immersion Day

‘… a fascinating disc with which I cannot find fault, and it represents an impressive and auspicious debut for Richard Uttley. I hope it receives the widespread critical acclaim that it clearly deserves.’

Nicholas Salwey : International Record Review

More reviews

photo © Cathy Pyle